Meet our Staff/Ohu Mahi
Te Hā o Hine-ahu-one Palmerston North Women’s Health Collective employs experienced community health workers to assist you to find the information you need and to access the resources you require. They are also available for support and referral assistance:
- Hana Ngarimu – Community Health Worker (assisted by relieving staff & volunteers)
- Morgan Booker – Community Health Worker (assisted by relieving staff & volunteers)
Our Practitioners
Counsellors offer a safe and confidential space to explore issues. Our counsellor charges between $60-70 per session or you can access a disability allowance through work and income to get free counselling
Gemma Lindegren (B.B.S., PGradDip Ed., MCouns., MNZAC) qualified as a counsellor in 2018.
Gemma works in a person-centred pluralistic manner. For the client this means that she supports the client’s development and strengthening of their tools, implementing mutually agreed upon strategies and collaborating to develop a personalized tool kit for each individual. Gemma draws her tools and approach from a variety of theoretical backgrounds including strengths-based, narrative, popao model, te whare tapa wha, Gestalt two-chair and solution-focused.
Cervical Screening
Angela Davies is a certified nurse smear taker and a cervical screening coordinator in our region who holds a clinic at the Collective mostly on Fridays. Please contact us for an appointment. The cervical screening service is free to Māori, Pasifika and Community Services Card holders, and to women over the age of 30 who have never had a smear or it is 5 years since their last smear. It is also free to women who need a follow up smear after a positive HPV test. All women are welcome. There may be other ways you can qualify for a free smear (e.g. on a very low income) so please phone or drop in to ask.
Massage, Reflexology, Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Fran Jennings, has been with us for several years- she offers manual lymphatic drainage, massage and reflexology. Fran offers advice on nutrition, diet and exercise. Available usually Tuesdays between 10am – 5pm.
Mirimiri & Romiromi (Rongoa Māori)
Tammi Heap- Tammi is a Māori wahine Mirimiri Romiromi bodywork practitioner with a background in nursing and homebirth midwifery. She also has an interest in access bars, hug therapy, body confidence and sexual health/confidence mentorship. Tammi is passionate about wāhine/women and whanau rights and self-determination in wairua and health. Usually available Thursdays between 9am and 3pm
We may also be able to assist access to other lower cost natural health practitioners based elsewhere in the community.